- Infected machines management tab.
Initially, the rig you want to view statistics and manage is selected. The selection is made in the drop-down list at the top.
A rig is a group of computers mining for one wallet, their hashrate is summed up into one total capacity, and they simultaneously work on the transaction hash, i.e. they mine.
To the right of the list is the list status update button.
the balance of the rig and the total hashrate of the rig are reflected in green at the top.
Each line in the list is expanded, after which you can proceed to remote management of the build loaded onto the infected machine by clicking on the green “browse” button, or delete the machine from the control list by clicking on the “X” button.
if the machine is highlighted in gray, then its hashrate is 0 or it is unavailable for some reason, but you should not delete it right away, because this may be a temporary hitch, if the highlighting is repeated often, it makes sense to delete the machine.
for quick viewing at the bottom in the tabs there is a tab “hashrates” in it a graph with the hashrates of all machines and you can visually understand which one you need to monitor.
The main work with the program consists of working with this tab, monitoring infected machines, if necessary, changing the miner configuration remotely, increasing or decreasing the power, temporarily stopping if there is a risk of detection, which is expressed by the frequent unavailability of the build and zero hashrate. if the build has been unproductive for a long time, such a machine should be deleted so that it does not slow down the rest in the rig, if the machine is productive, it is better to save it and reduce the power so that the build is not noticed.
also at the bottom there is a tab for payments by rig.
Payments from the pool are made when it accumulates an amount of 3 coins, this money is transferred to the wallet address linked to the rig.
the video shows the wallet to which payments were made.
in the same list with lists there are links to payment transactions. This tab is the main one in the work, despite the fact that everything in it seems very simple, it is to it that you will have to devote the main amount of time to work, since control over the operation of the rig and the machines connected to it determines the main income from the work.
It is precisely the fact that the machines have remote access that allows not only to control them, but also to reconfigure their configuration depending on the situation.
There can be several hundred working machines, and each one has to be given time to check and periodically reconfigure, this is the essence of the main load and labor costs when working with software, which ultimately determine the profitability. Access to the remote machine is open via an external port, but changes are available after entering the password, the password for each machine is its key, which is assigned during infection.
Remote access to infected machines is recommended to be carried out when connecting via a VPN or proxy, so as not to expose your fingerprints and IP, since infection is an illegal action.
We also recommend registering and logging into your wallet using a VPN or proxy, preferably through the TOR browser.
2. The principle of operation in the inject tab.
Check the config to make sure all settings are in place depending on the requirements of the situation. The required rig or random rig selection is installed, autohashing of the build is installed, or disabled if you need to speed up the scanning and infection process, the CPU load is determined.
Next, we set the range of IP addresses in which the machines will be scanned for the vulnerability that we determine by selecting from the drop-down list next to the “start” button. The range can be run through each vulnerability, since one machine may not have one vulnerability, but at the same time it may have one that was not selected from the list. It makes no sense to run a search for all vulnerabilities, since this is resource-intensive and the search for each vulnerability is based on its own algorithm.
Therefore, we recommend running the range through all vulnerabilities, if there are IP addresses in the list that have not been infected, the machine will not be infected twice and the program will skip it if it is on the list of infected machines. the scanning process can be stopped by clicking on the “stop” button, which appears in place of the “start” button, the log will continue to output logs, since we have launched many threads and they need time to stop.
After starting the scanning process, the program begins to scan the range, which is reflected in the log log, after checking the machines in the specified range, the program will display on the right a list of addresses of machines potentially available for infection, i.e. having the vulnerability we have selected. the correctness of the program’s operation with the IP range can be checked using third-party software, which objectively confirms that the found machines have RDP access, and therefore are potentially suitable.
The infection process begins, in the additional software opened together with the program, logging begins, which symbolizes the process of recaching the build and sending it in parts – packets to the attacked machine using the selected vulnerability. The process can take different amounts of time, it all depends on the connection speed, do not forget that we are working through Tor, also on the resistance of the machine, because we are using a vulnerability window, and no one has canceled the work of the firewall. The infection principle is to split the build into small packets, a fake request is sent to the attacked machine and in response to the machine’s reaction, a packet with parts of the build is formed, which is then assembled on the attacked machine and deployed under the control of the build subroutines.
Most of the power is spent on infection, so it is necessary to increase the number of threads before launching, the more threads, the faster the infection process will go, here the effect of discouraging the attacked machine will additionally work, which will not have time to control the volume of attack packets, among which harmless ones are pouring in.
As a result, in the list of processed addresses, on the left, the processed address will be highlighted in green if the infection was successful or in red with the opposite outcome. A successful result will write the machine to the “My VDS” list, assigning it a unique key.
The number of successful infections is counted in the counter on the right closer to the bottom of the program window. While the infection process is in progress, you can switch to the tab for viewing the list of infected machines “My VDS” and work there, but it is not recommended to change the program configuration during the infection process.
The start button will be active only when connected to TOR.
The number of threads for infection is determined by the user himself, depending on the capabilities of his machine, the degree of CPU load is displayed by the progress bar at the top of the program.
3. Configuration tab.
At the top of the program there are three buttons for navigating through the program tabs: “Inject”, “My VDS” and “Config”
When launched, the program checks the authorization status of the license on the registration server, which is visualized in the Menu at the top of the program.
The first input field is the field for the license key, which is generated individually for each buyer and depending on the tariff plan: standard or professional.
Standard is limited to a maximum of 100 infected machines and one rig, while only one instance of the program can be launched at a time.
Professional – an unlimited number of infected machines, an unlimited number of rigs, and simultaneous launch of up to 5 instances of the program. In any case, only one instance of the program will be launched on one computer. The program is not tied to hardware, is portable and can run on Windows, Linux and MacOS systems. Lists of infected machines are available when launching an instance from any device, i.e. you can go to Tahiti and, sitting in an Internet cafe, launch the program and continue working with your list of machines. The main thing is to store the file part of the program with all the configuration files that are encrypted in the container when the program is closed and do not leave traces of their presence in the system after completion.
It is important to store the file part of the program, if it is lost, the data cannot be restored, you can make a periodic backup to the cloud, for example, the MEGA service.
Next, the config configures the list of rigs. In the rig name field, enter its name, it is recommended to generate the name by clicking on the generate button above the field. Next, enter the address of the Monero wallet, which will be linked to the rig. No need to repeat addresses in different rigs.
Next, the add rig button will add it to the list of my rigs, the rig can be deleted by clicking on the cross, but with the deletion of the rig, access to the infected machines linked to the rig will also disappear, here you need to act carefully so as not to lose the machines, you need to reassign the rig in remote access for each, the address will be assigned automatically.
Next, the build is configured.
We recommend keeping the checkbox for automatic recaching of the build before each sending to the infected machine enabled, this guarantees the uniqueness of the build hash, and therefore uniqueness in the eyes of antiviruses. The recaching process is logged in an additional subroutine in the form of a console that opens with the main program, this subroutine is also responsible for splitting the build into packets and sending them to the attacked machine.
Selecting the percentage of CPU load of the infected machine when running the build on it. The optimal load is about 25%, which allows you to remain invisible and get maximum efficiency in the ratio of hashrate and duration of the build in the shadows.
This configuration can be changed in remote access depending on the situation, for example, if the build often crashes and shows a zero hashrate, then this often symbolizes its resistance to an antivirus or other server protection, which means you need to temporarily reduce the load so as not to lose the machine. or vice versa, if there is a need for aggressive build work, you can increase the load to the maximum, but the machine is guaranteed to be lost in the near future, because the build will be exposed.
Next is a list of rig selections to which the machine will be attached, this rig will be specified in the build configuration and can also be changed later. In the list, you can select a specific rig or set a random selection.
Below is a list of program interface language selections.
At the bottom right is the configuration save button.
At the top right is the “Help” button, which opens the program manual file in the browser.
Why is it profitable for me to sell and not earn money by working in the program? My main income is from the pool, which takes 2% of the rig’s earnings, and therefore the more the rig works, the higher my earnings, I work on a referral program with the pool.
I specially wrote software that simplifies the search for mining power, and is obviously cheaper than purchasing equipment (video cards, ASIC, etc.) or renting cloud servers for mining. Your fee for the program is one-time and is insignificant for us in the total amount, the return on investment for you will be about one month depending on the activity of your work, VDS in the world are billions and they are created and disconnected by the thousands per hour, enough for everyone.
You want to feel like a real hacker, and this software will definitely live up to your expectations, you not only invade someone else’s space and take over someone else’s resources, but also have access to them from anywhere in the world, and most importantly, you also earn big money on this, to the question of earnings – the program, when fully working with it, brings from 1 to 6 XMR per day from one rig, when servicing from 500 to 3000 infected machines.
My program is not a “Money button”, it only looks too simple on the demonstration video, and in work it requires a lot of patience and perseverance, after a month of working with you, my support will bring your level of understanding of the hacker mining process to the level of, if not a professional, then certainly to the level of an advanced master.
I regularly update the program, supplement it with new options, solve issues of bypassing system security updates, currently a beta release of the program with infection of servers running on Linux OS is ready.
how to become a hacker – learn hacking – to start hacking and do money
But times have changed a lot, and there is now a clear difference between a programmer and a hacker, and it’s not just in their intentions regarding the use of their talents.
A hacker is someone who is able to bypass the system to get what they want. And it doesn’t matter how strong you are in IT, it matters what exactly and with what you do.
What do you want? What does everyone want? Let’s be honest. Money. The hacker profession interested you because you heard that there is money here. And it’s true. Hundreds and thousands of ways to make money using not very legal methods of using a computer. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?
And where to start… so that you can see the result as soon as possible…
After all, no one wants to sit in front of a computer for years studying incomprehensible programming languages without even understanding how exactly to make money from it.
History knows thousands of such programmers who studied and searched for a long time, but in the end they couldn’t do anything with their knowledge – namely, they couldn’t convert it into money.
These are not hackers. This is the lowest caste. These people didn’t belong here in the first place.
What am I suggesting? And who am I anyway?
I am a hacker. A real, natural-born hacker. And I create programs. I create ready-made solutions.
At least one of which I publish here for review, so that you can realize the full power and potential of financial income from hacking.
I will publish many informational articles on this site, but mainly, I will sell my programs here. And the more you read, the more you will realize how brilliant it was to create these programs for yourself, and then expand the network to sell them or rent them out to those who are worthy. (Spoiler – there is no freebie here).
Hacking would be a waste of time if it did not bring money. So meet.
How to become a hacker with Mining Combine for mining Monero cryptocurrency using its own network of infected computers around the world. This is the only type of cryptocurrency mining where you earn money and do not spend money on expenses at all, which is logical, because this is an illegal method, and only an illegal one can make you really rich. That’s life.
You massively infect computers around the world with your hidden miner and it mines Monero to your account using other people’s computing power, for which you do not pay a cent! How does it happen? How to become a hacker with all the functionality in one program in my Combine!
With the help of my Combine – you scan IP address ranges, hack them with a brute force algorithm, then introduce a hidden miner to the hacked computers, pre-programmed with your payment data in Nanopool.
Everything is simple. Everything is really very simple. Detailed video reviews and screenshots can be found on the website.
You don’t need to study for 15 years to become as capable as me. You just need to buy this combine and with it you will become a hacker. In one specific case, financially profitable, you will really become a hacker.
How to become a hacker with your secret is that you searched and found a ready-made solution, a professional tool created by a brilliant professional.
And my secret is that I earn extra money on sales of this combine, and its code also has a function built in, thanks to which 10% of the computing power you extract is credited to my hashrate. That is, you mine 90% for yourself and 10% for me.
There is no such thing as too much money and this is my credo. I created this combine for myself, this is perhaps my most perfect creation. Especially now that I am expanding my network through satellite workers.
Attention! If you thought you could ask me for a harvester for freebie – “for realization”, then you are mistaken. I will not give the program to anyone who is not able to invest and pay the “entrance ticket” to my hacker business.
How to become a hacker with I have been on the Internet for a very long time… and I understand perfectly well that 99% of those who live here are lazy freeloaders, not worthy of my attention.
However, if you read the description and video reviews and proof of the functionality of my harvester, then you will definitely come to the conclusion that you WANT to get this program. Because you will absolutely understand how you can get simple and understandable, and most importantly, completely safe money, with the help of this harvester. And those of you who are not lazy beggars freeloaders – will really buy it and will be able to join my personal guard.
For uninterrupted communication with me, a non-public e-mail and SESSION messenger will always be available. This is only for those with whom I already work, that is, for buyers.
Was it difficult to become a hacker?
I want to be a hacker. How do I become one?
Frequently asked questions
How can I become a hacker for freebie?
Very simple. Sit for 10-20 years studying programming languages, Linux, and hundreds of programs.
And then perhaps, but not necessarily, you will be able to create something or use it to make money.
Difficult? But for freebie!
Can I choose a different pool? How to learn hacking?
Choose any pool that works with Monero. Personally, I prefer Nanopool.
How to learn hacking is it possible to create a miner for other cryptocurrencies?
Of course it is possible, such functionality is provided, but it is rarely in demand, Monero is a great coin and gives big income + anonymity.
How to learn hacking are your program updates free?
Yes, for those who purchased my program, I send notifications to the SESSION messenger about how to download the updated version of the program. Although even the very first version still works properly. I just try to improve and optimize my combine.
I have Mac OS – does your harvester work on it? Or only on Windows? Hacking to learn.
My software is cross-platform and works on Mac OS, Windows and Linux. This is not a problem at all.
Payment only in cryptocurrency? And how to be a hacker?
Yes, only cryptocurrency. No bank cards and certainly no personal meetings of any kind. I sell not very legal programs and maintain personal anonymity and security.
Is it possible to scan IP ranges of other countries?
I strongly recommend working only on foreign countries. This is the most correct tactic.
How many computers can I seed?
In fact, you are limited only by your laziness. When I need money especially, I boost the hashrate to the skies and I have several tens of thousands of workers. This is a lot. And even then I understand that it is possible to strengthen the position even more, so far I have not reached hundreds of thousands, but it is possible.